• Features our most aggressive adhesive for safety labels. Labels are designed to stick to oily, greasy or irregular surfaces including LSE (low surface energy) plastics.
• Common uses are on equipment, tires, rugs, concrete and fabric. Labels are washable.
• High tack adhesive is 1.5 mils thick. It sticks well on contact, but doubles its stickiness on fabric or carpet after 10 days and doubles again after 30 days.
• Graphics are protected with a clear 1 mils thick. polyester laminate. The base material is a 4 mils thick polyester.
• The minimum application temperature is 40°F and the service range is from -65°F to 160°F.
• Label complies with CONEG Model Toxics Packaging Legislation and do not contain any intentionally added lead, mercury, cadmium, or hexavalent chromium - the targets of that regulation.
• Labels are digitally printed in full color.