Welcome to Stop-Painting.com
Please take a few minutes to review these Terms and Conditions. The use of the Stop-Painting.com website (this "Website") and the sale of products and services offered on this Website are governed by the terms and conditions set forth below and all other disclaimers, guidelines, policies, and terms and conditions of sale appearing on this Website. Your use of this Website in any manner, whether browsing, offering your thoughts and ideas, activating an account with us, or making a purchase, constitutes your acknowledgement that you have read the Terms and Conditions and that you agree to follow and be bound by them, and that disputes that may arise under them will be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina, without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles. Stop-Painting reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. For this reason, we encourage you to review these Terms and Conditions whenever you purchase products from us or use our Website.
Minimum Order Amount
Stop-Painting.com has a minimum total order amount of $90 USD for any individual order.Freight Calculations
Please note that our website is not set up to accurately calculate the freight cost for oversized or overweight items. If you place an order and the freight charges exceed the amount given at checkout, we will contact you to approve the cost before processing your order. We are happy to provide a freight quote in advance.Proprietary Rights
The entire contents of this Website, including text, images, music, sound, photographs, video, illustrations, icons, graphics, headers, data, information, and software (collectively, "Content") are subject to copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights or licenses held by Stop-Painting.com. All Content is copyrighted as a collective work under the U.S. and international copyright laws and Stop-Painting.com owns, to the fullest extent allowed by such law, the copyright in the arrangement, coordination, enhancement, and selection of such Content or this Website. Except as provided above, you may not make copy, modify, or create derivative works of the Content. In addition, you may not distribute, publish, transmit, reuse, repost, and "frame" the Content in any manner or sell or attempt to sell the Content.
Links to Third-Party Websites
This Website may contain links to other sites that are neither owned nor operated by Stop-Painting.com, although some such sites may have an affiliation with us (collectively, "Third Party Sites"). Such links are provided for your convenience only. Stop-Painting.com makes no representations whatsoever about any Third-Party Sites which you may access through this Website, as we have no control over the content appearing on such Third-Party Sites. Moreover, a link to a Third-Party Site does not imply and does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, approval, or responsibility for the content on, or the use of, such Third-Party Site. No rights to use or copy the information on this Website or the Third-Party Site is granted or implied. Please Note: The Terms of Use and Privacy Policies applicable to Third-party Sites may differ significantly from those of Stop-Painting.com. You are encouraged to review the applicable privacy policies of such Third-Party Sites.
This Website may contain links to other sites that are neither owned nor operated by Stop-Painting.com, although some such sites may have an affiliation with us (collectively, "Third Party Sites"). Such links are provided for your convenience only. Stop-Painting.com makes no representations whatsoever about any Third-Party Sites which you may access through this Website, as we have no control over the content appearing on such Third Party Sites. Moreover, a link to a Third-Party Site does not imply and does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, approval, or responsibility for the content on, or the use of, such Third Party Site. No rights to use or copy the information on this Website or the Third-Party Site is granted or implied. Please Note: The Terms of Use and Privacy Policies applicable to Third-party Sites may differ significantly from those of Stop-Painting.com. You are encouraged to review the applicable privacy policies of such Third-Party Sites.