(Also known as a portable speed bump or a temporary speed bump.)
Our removable speed bumps have all the benefits of stationary speed bumps, but can be rolled up and moved from location to location in seconds. Perfect for calming traffic during certain hours of the day, such as immediately before and after school, our 10' portable, removable speed bumps weigh less than 30 lbs and are easily handled by one person. (For double-lane use, removable speed bumps are also available in a 20' length.)
Features of Removable Speed Bumps
Where to Use Removable Speed Bumps
There are many situations in which a temporary traffic calming solution is preferable to a permanent one.
In each of these situations, removable speed bumps are useful for certain hours of the day, but would simply create traffic congestion if left in place permanently. With our removable speed bumps it's easy to implement a traffic calming solution only during specific hours.
Traffic Calming Saves Lives
Anywhere pedestrians are in close proximity to moving vehicles, traffic calming solutions such as speed bumps greatly decrease the likelihood and severity of accidents. Slowing a car from 40 MPH to 20 MPH (which is the function of a speed bump) decreases the chance of fatality in a collision with a pedestrian from 85% to only 5%. Children are the group at most risk of being struck by a vehicle. Simple traffic calming solutions can greatly decrease this risk.
Removable speed bumps are designed to reduce the speed of traffic flow and create a safer environment for pedestrians. Removable speed bumps could even save lives when you consider these facts about traffic related pedestrian deaths. A pedestrian hit at 40 mph has an 85% chance of death. A pedestrian hit at 30 mph has a 45% chance of death. With a pedestrian hit at 20 mph, the likelihood of death drops to just 5%.
Children are at the greatest risk of traffic related pedestrian death and injury. When driving in school zones, two-thirds of drivers exceed the posted speed limit during the 30-minute period before and after school. Calming traffic is paramount to keeping pedestrians of all ages safe. And the easiest, most cost-effective tool for calming traffic is a removable speed bump.
Our removable speed bump's unique patented design allows it to easily conform to virtually any road surface. Our removable speed bumps are made of interlocking links that are backed by rubber grip pads that allow the speed bump to remain in place while it slows traffic flow. It is made of high impact plastic, making it lightweight yet very durable. The removable speed bump will withstand the weight of any vehicle, including large tractor trailers. Weighing less than 30 lbs., this removable speed bump can be easily deployed by one person. It is effective in all weather conditions. Installation is as simple as rolling it out, and rolling back up when finished. Unlike permanent speed bumps that require costly maintenance, our removable speed bump is maintenance free, making the most cost effective solution. Plus, you can relocate the speed bump whenever and wherever necessary. It comes with a convenient canvas carrying case to easily transport it to any location.
Traffic calming is necessary in many different settings including: school crosswalks, emergency situations, security check points, police road blocks, road construction sites, temporary traffic patterns, church zones, sporting events, street fairs, and other civic activities.
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Q: Do I need a city permit to install a speed bump in a residential area?
A: Every city, town, and municipality has different regulations. If outside the city limits, check with the county. If the neighborhood is governed by a home owners association, you will need to get approval from their Board to install the speed bump. In most cases, speed bumps create safer roads, and are approved without a problem.
Q: What's the difference between a speed bump and a speed hump?
A: A speed hump is wider than a speed bump and slows the traffic to 10-16 mph. A speed bump has a steeper grade that requires vehicles to slow to 2-5 mph.
Q: Can speed bumps be installed on concrete?
A: Speed bumps can be installed on concrete, asphalt, or any paved surface. There are different fasteners and installation methods depending on the surface.
Q: What is the difference between the recycled plastic and recycled rubber curbs/speed bumps?
A: The difference is mainly the material that they are made from. The plastic curbs bumps are 100% recycled high density polyethylene. The rubber curbs and bumps are made from 100% recycled rubber.