Ensure motorist and worker safety with this high-quality, self-adhesive, reflective barricade sheeting. Featuring pre-striped orange and white stripes, this barricade reflective sheeting contains diamond-grade reflectivity for enhanced safety. This high-intensity, engineering grade sheeting features top-quality color contrast even in inclement weather or throughout poor visibility. This striped barricade tape is specifically designed for use on construction or roadway barricades.
We sell both right- and left-hand reflective sheeting in 8-inch or 12-inch widths and 100-yard lengths. You can also choose between 4-inch or 6-inch stripes. The direction of the stripe is designed to tell motorists which way to turn - so if you're barricading a street with a right-hand turn outlet, the sheeting should contain right-hand stripes.
Pre-Striped Barricade Sheeting is available in 8 in. and 12 in. widths in 100 yard rolls. Available in Right or Left hand stripes in 4 in. or 6 in. widths, engineer grade, high intensity grade, and diamond grade reflectivity. Alternating Orange and White stripes. Self-Adhesive. For a tape designed for heavy-duty use, consider Superior Mark tape.